Alisanne Steele | TheSoftwareConsultant | Thursday, July 26, 2018 Target, Twitter, Time-hop (the list goes on and on) have had data breaches exposing multi-millions of user’s personal and financial information to bad actors. However, this personal data is just one part of the puzzle if your accounts are protected by additional layers of security. Two-Factor Authentication could protect…
Posts tagged as “@Software4Law”
Alisanne Steele | TheSoftwareConsultant | July 16, 2018 So many cloud-based case & matter management systems have a common “Weakest Feature”, the document automation process. Being cloud-based, the edit-upload-download-edit-upload process for reviewing and editing documents is just plain clumsy in many hosted solutions. AlphaDrive for Clio changes that! With AlphaDrive added to your Clio solution,…