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Software for Law Frims – Alisanne Steele ); Press "Enter" to skip to content

Posts published in “Software for Law Frims”

AlphaDrive for Clio – Seamless (and Painless) Document Automation

Alisanne Steele 0

Alisanne Steele | TheSoftwareConsultant | July 16, 2018 So many cloud-based case & matter management systems have a common “Weakest Feature”, the document automation process.  Being cloud-based, the edit-upload-download-edit-upload process for reviewing and editing documents is just plain clumsy in many hosted solutions. AlphaDrive for Clio changes that! With AlphaDrive added to your Clio solution,…

Timeslips 2019 – 7 New Features are Worth the Upgrade

Alisanne Steele 0

Alisanne Steele | TheSoftwareConsultant | Saturday, July 8, 2018 Sage has put together a feature rich upgrade for Timeslips users.  While I usually recommend that users upgrade every-other release (while maintaining support availability), this version is truly worth the cost and effort of upgrading.  In addition to some long-awaited fixes, the following are a listing of some of…